Also known as Keith Gable, I'm a Rubyist who has been writing code since I was in elementary school. I started with BASIC on the Apple ][ computers at school, then got an IBM PCjr at home in 1995 that I wrote a ton of BASIC on. When I got connected to the Internet around 2000 and began going by Ziggy the Hamster around 2001, I was writing stuff for the MSN Chat network in Visual Basic 6 and wrote websites in Perl and eventually PHP.

When one of the first Ruby on Rails betas dropped in 2004, I picked it up and was hooked. I've been primarily using Ruby ever since, but also have production applications written in JavaScript, and a few small but mission-critical things written in Crystal. I have experience with a ton of different languages, and don't find it terribly difficult to pick up new ones.

I went to college for information security, and am pretty passionate about it, but didn't make it a career for a number of reasons. With the benefit of hindsight, I think I made the right choice - my skills in this area are far more valuable being used to produce (and help others produce) more secure software.

You can read more about me if you're interested.

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