Our news got on SourceForge.net's front page!

It's not very important, but our news got thrown on to SourceForge.net's front page. Which is extremely cool, by the way. I hope this brings us more users, but at the same time, I hope they're all smart enough to figure out how to make it work. I don't have the manpower to tell everybody to read the readme (if anyone here wants to help out, I'd appreciate that).

Development-wise, we're still backlogging on ignitionServer: NG (Codename Cheese Pizza). We have not yet finalized what language we're going to write it in, although I have now just ruled out C#. Microsoft is announcing a new version of the language, and it seems they're wanting to embrace, extend, extinguish it. By that, I mean, they're probably not going to release the standard of it, and Mono will keep playing catch-up. This is not a good thing™. So, what will we use instead? C. Pure C. And a crossplatform socket library. Threads might be a problem, but it's not a huge problem. I'm also going to design it so Gentoo's USE flags can do something really useful. Like, USE="noircx noenhancedirc" emerge ignitionserver-ng to make a plain old RFC1459 server come out. Stuff like that, ya know? And the binaries will always be with IRCX and with enhanced IRC (nonstandard things included with every IRCD on the planet). If you want something different, you're SOL. I'm learning C at the moment (it's not as difficult as I thought), and I'll probably be starting development soon. I'm actually hoping to have "Development Release 1" ready sometime in March. It won't do anything, but...