I needed something to simplify the lame -h -b 80 "File.mp3" /tmp/output.mp3 && rioutil -s "Artist Here" -t "Song Name" -r "Album Name" -a /tmp/output.mp3 that I used to use with my Rio S50.
echo"Please answer the following questions to copy to Rio:"
echo -n "Would you like to convert this file to a lower bitrate to make the file smaller? (Y/N) " read YNBITRATE
if [[ "$YNBITRATE" = "y" || "$YNBITRATE" = "Y" ]] then echo"What bitrate do you want to convert this file to?" echo"Avaliable bitrates:" echo"32kbps 40kbps 48kbps 56kbps 64kbps 80kbps 96kbps" echo"112kbps 128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 224kbps 256kbps 320kbps"
echo -n "Enter a bitrate: " read BITRATE fi
id3info "$@"
echo"ID3 info will be lost while copying, please reenter the following information:"
echo -n "Song Name : " read SONG
echo -n "Artist : " read ARTIST
echo -n "Album : " read ALBUM
if [[ "$YNBITRATE" = "y" || "$YNBITRATE" = "Y" ]] then echo"Reencoding at $BITRATE kbps" lame -h -b $BITRATE"$@" /tmp/output.mp3
echo"Now copying file to Rio (requires root access):" sudo rioutil -s "$ARTIST" -t "$SONG" -r "$ALBUM" -a /tmp/output.mp3 else echo"Now copying file to Rio (requires root access):" sudo rioutil -s "$ARTIST" -t "$SONG" -r "$ALBUM" -a "$@" fi
echo"Press any key to continue." read BYE
Then I right-clicked on an MP3, open with > other application > gnome-terminal -x copytorio (I put the shellscript in /usr/bin). And it should work if I plug it in.